5.4. Declaring an Interface

Interfaces, just like classes, have a fully qualified name. Their source code should be positioned and named within your project the same as with classes. That is, an interface called cs1302.interfaces.contract.Styleable has an implied position within the package directories of your source code (cs1302/interfaces/contract) and should be placed in a Styleable.java file within the implied directory. The first big syntax difference between a class and an interface is illustrated in the first line of Styleable.java that looks like this:

public interface Styleable {

When declaring an interface, we use the interface keyword instead of class in the type declaration near the top of the file.


Up until this point, you’ve probably used the term “class declaration” for this type of declaration, which is appropriate when creating a class. However, we say “type declaration” as a more general term as a .java file can be used to declare any kind of reference type in Java, including classes, interfaces, and enumerations.

Remember Reference Types

Remember, a reference type in Java is any type that can serve as the type for a variable that refers to an object. Such a variable is known as a reference variable. We will elaborate on this terminology in the context of interfaces a little more later in this tutorial. If you are unfamiliar with these terms in general, please review the Reference Variables Chapter. You are encouraged to ask questions about any parts that you find confusing.

The second big syntax difference between classes and interfaces involves the inclusion of abstract methods in the latter. You can see an example of this in illustrated by the style() method in Styleable.java:

public void style();

Notice that the style() method does not contain an implementation! The signature of the method ends with a semicolon. An abstract method must not have an implementation.

Test Yourself

Is the following an abstract method?

public void style() { }
Test Yourself Solution (Try the above question first)

No, it is not an abstract method.

While the { } may not do anything, it is, in fact, an implementation that does nothing. Compare that to the actual abstract method signature presented above that ends with a semicolon, thus lacking an implementation.

If you open the Styleable.java file, you will see that it also contains an abstract unstyle method. Remember, that the abstract method(s) represent what the signer of the contract must be able to do. If a class implements the Styleable interface, it is obligated to have a concrete (non-abstract) style and a concrete unstyle method. If an implementing class does not have implementations for one or both of these methods, it will not compile.


In Java, the declaration of an abstract method in the source code for an interface may omit the public visibility modifier. If public is omitted in this context, the abstract method is still assumed to have public visibility. This behavior is different for classes, a topic that will be covered more in-depth at a later time when the nuances of visibility are presented.

Learn by Practicing!

Generate, host, and view the API documentation website for the starter code provided with this tutorial. Find the Styleable interface on the website and compare the documentation provided there with what you see in the Javadoc comments included in Styleable.java. If you don’t remember how to do this, then please refer back to your notes for the Javadoc and API Documentation tutorial.

Learn by Practicing Walkthrough (Don’t open until trying on your own)