

The io.github.cs1302uga:cs1302-archetype-quickstart project provides a Maven archetype that can be used with the Maven Archetype Plugin to generate a Maven project.


To generate a Maven project based on the cs1302-archetype-quickstart archetype, run the command below. When the archetype:generate goal executes, you will be prompted to provide additional details for some required properties, many of which have default values.

mvn archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=io.github.cs1302uga \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=cs1302-archetype-quickstart \


This archetype supports the following configuration properties:

Name Required Description
artifactId Yes The directory name for the generated project with lowercase letters and no strange symbols (e.g., cs1302-project).
groupId Yes The package name for your the generated project's Java code (e.g., cs1302.project).
version No The version with numbers and dots for the generated project (e.g., the default value is 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT).
javaVersion No The version of Java to use (e.g., the default value is 17).